Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomov in the play The Proposal’.
Give a brief sketch of the character of Lomov in the play The Proposal’.
Here the speaker is Natalya Stepanovna.
The person spoken to is Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov.
Here ‘the land’ refers to the Oxen Meadows which is lodged between the birch woods and The Burnt Marsh .
In order to create a favourable situation to propose Natalya formally, Lomov refers to the closeness and friendly relation between the families of Lomovs and Chubokovs. In this context he mentions to the property known as the Oxen Meadows. But instantly Natalya claims that to be their family property for a long time. As Lomov tries to establish the fact that the land was inherited by him from his ancestors, Natalya too was obstinate to prove that the land belongs to them irrespective of its monetary value.
Lomov argues that his aunt’s grandmother gave the free use of those meadows forever to the peasants of Natatya’s father in return of which they were to make bricks for her. But Natalya opposes insisting that their land is extended to the Burnt Marsh including Oxen Meadows. The storyline of the drama reveals that Oxen Meadows are stretched about 13.5 acres and worth approximately 300 roubles.